Pengaruh Iklim Pondok Pesantren Terhadap Kecerdasan Adversitas Santri

Ummah Karimah


Abstract: Islamic Boarding School has a big influence on the santri adversity intelligence because the boarding school is a second educational institution for children to learn and declare themselves as social beings and received a second lesson after the family. The type of this research used is field research type (field research) with quantitative approach. The research population is students of MTs class VIII living in boarding school Sunan Pandan Aran Yogyakarta Central Java that is a number of 214 santri. The respondents are 30 santri. In order to find respondent of research representatively, hence in this research used technique proportional random sampling. Furthermore, data collection techniques using questionnaires. Analysis of data used in the form of simple regression analysis. The result of the regression analysis shows that there is a positive influence on Climate of Pondok Pesantren with the Intelligence of Adversity of Santri.

Keywords: Climate Islamic Boarding School, Adversity Intelligence, Santri.

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