Urgensi Pengembangan Model Konseling Kelompok Teknik Self Management Untuk Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Moral Siswa SMP

Muya Barida, Hardi Prasetiawan


The intelligence that must be possessed by a student is not only limited to academic achievement. Moreover, students need moral intelligence. This moral intelligence is considered the ability to control oneself in the proper direction. High-quality moral intelligence is required for students to live a personal, social life both in the family, school and community environment. This paper aims to try presenting the importance to develop a model of self-management techniques group counseling for improving moral intelligence. Through a self-management technique of group counseling model, students can improve moral intelligence outside of counseling settings so that group counseling services are more effective.

Keywords: moral intelligence, self-management, group counseling.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.52657/jfk.v4i1.439


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