Kualitas dan Keterpercayaan Penelitian Kualitatif Dalam Bimbingan dan Konseling

Gian Sugiana Sugara


This article discusses the concept of quality and reliability of qualitative research in counseling and guidance. In accordance with the principle of qualitative research that "researchers as instruments" or self-reflection, this implies the criteria for assessing the quality of qualitative research in counseling and guidance. The subject of this article is to examine how to conduct qualitative research that has a good level of validity and reliability, especially in guidance and counseling research. In addition, it examines the criteria of Credibility in qualitative research guidance and counseling. Criteria for the reliability of qualitative research in counseling and counseling include social validity, subjective and reflexivity, data exhaustion and, interpretation. The last subject is to examine how strategies improve the quality of trustworthiness of qualitative research in counseling and guidance.

Keyword: Qualitative Research, Quality Credibility, Guidance and Counseling

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.52657/jfk.v4i1.514


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