Nur Fefti Agustina Putri, Fitri Wulandari, Rahmatika Kayyis


This study was a research and development (R&D) study designed which involved:  need  analysis,  design,  development,  implementation,  and  evaluation. The  data  were gathered through observation, questionnaires, interview, validation technique and test.The  result  of  this  study showed that: (1) the students need specific material about daily activity; (2) the design of book, learning English vocabulary which contain picture; (3)the deaf students’ wants Learning English use media images because image make it easier for them to remember English vocabulary, and they are able to describe  facial expressions and gestures; (4) when learn English vocabulary they must remember each word by practicing it.


Vocabulary Book, Deaf Students, Material Development

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.52657/js.v6i2.1304


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