Rahmatika - Kayyis, Novita Eka Tristiana, Hardono - -


The research aim was to know the effect of English Pronunciation: Speak/ Pronounce Englishâ„¢ toward the students’ pronunciation. This study is pre-experimental design.  The sample was 35 students from English for Nurse 1 class of STIKes Aisyah Pringsewu. Instrument used to test  the competencies  is using 126 words from the minimal pairs poem entitled “English is Tough Stuffâ€. It had progress based on the data that the χ Ì… of correct words in pretest, 40.35, it is increasing in post-test, χ Ì… 116. It is suggested that the application should be developed into the type that brings various benefit.


Keywords: Articulation, Application, Technology


Articulation, Application, Technology

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